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most songs passed off


Welcome to our first challenge! We're excited to see your progress this month! 


START: April 1st

END: April 30th (9:00 pm MST)





1. Learn any assignments from MU courses (Noterush assignments count if played).


2. Once perfected, take a video of you playing with the backup track (when applicable) and make sure both hands are clear and visible. 


3. Submit the video. 

You can submit videos by using this link and emailing the video to



• Student's name

• Song name

• Lesson number 





4. Once a video is submitted, it will be reviewed by a MU Team member.

You will receive an email with either approval that the song is passed off and it will be added as a credit to your final score, or you will receive feedback on how to improve your assignment. You can then practice and resubmit the assignment as many times as it takes to pass off. 



We will keep a record of submission counts and notify the winner at the end of the month. 

This winner of this challenge will receive a $50 AMAZON GIFT CARD! 


Download a personal score card to keep track of completed assignments for the month. 





Good luck everyone!

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