MAY 2024
For the month of May, all members can win a Crumbl cookie by completing the challenge!
This month, become a master of the staff! Get all the notes down so you can move confidently forward making your own music, putting it down for others to play, and reading all the great music already written. Let's get started!
START: May 1st
END: May 30th (9:00 pm MST)
1. Practice all the Note Rush levels to work up to Lesson 10! (if needed)
2. Complete Note Rush Lesson 10 with 100% accuracy.
Ages 7 and younger = 45 seconds
Ages 8 and older = 35 seconds
This is the only lesson that needs to be submitted.
3. Submit! by emailing
(only need Lesson 10 Note Rush)
• Student's name
• Screenshot of final time
• Video of student completing Lesson 10 Note Rush
4. Your submission will be reviewed by an MU Team member. If approved, an email will confirm your completion of the challenge. Your Crumbl gift card will be mailed on June 1st!
Download and print a personal score card to keep track of completed Note Rush levels for the month. (Does not need to be turned in.)
Good luck everyone!